We offer you several convenient options for ordering the products you need. See the instructions below and feel free to call us anytime if you have any questions.

Special Web-Only Discount
By visiting this web site, all first-time customers located in the U.S. are entitled to a 5% discount off their first order, regardless of the ordering method chosen, and regardless of when the order is placed. Just make sure to ask us for your web discount if you phone, fax, or e-mail your order instead of using instant electronic ordering (in which case your web discount will be included automatically).

Ordering Instructions
If you order by fax, e-mail, or use the online order form, we will contact you within 2 hours to confirm your order, Monday through Friday from 8am -5pm (ET). If it is after normal business hours or a holiday, we will contact you within 2 hours of the next business day.

When confirming your order, have your VISA, MasterCard, or Corporate American Express card ready. If you prefer, we can ship COD. Or we can set up an account for you, after we've received your completed credit application and verified references.

Orders confirmed by 12:00 noon (ET) can be shipped the same day subject to the inventory on hand, as long as you have an account with us or a valid credit card.

Terms on accounts are net 30 days. A service charge of 1.5% per month (18% annually) will be charged on past-due accounts. And we cannot accept returns without prior authorization.

Our Team


Wilton Ford

CEO and Founder (Retired)


Christy Ford


Holly Eggleston

Vice President

Ted Ford
